1.) Pulling Data from GitHub you need to make clone of your Repository on your system. follow the below instruction. a.) git clone https://github.com/developer-rameshraj/Mean-Stack.git < folder-name > b.) cd < folder-name > c.) git init d.) git pull 2.) Push Data in your GitHubRepository from your system. follow the below instruction. a.) git init b.) git add . or git add -A or git checkout -b <new-branch> c.) git commit -m 'finish' d.) git push origin master 3.) How to Install Ruby On Rails 4.) How to Use Mysql in Django 1.) Edit your settings.py file like: DATABASES = { 'default' : { 'ENGINE' : 'django.db.backends.mysql' , 'NAME' : 'DB_NAME' , 'HOST' : '' , 'PORT' : '3306' , 'USER' : 'root' , 'PASSWORD' : '' , }} 2.) (a). sudo apt-get ins...